In the past month Disney has made numerous media announcements about plans to improve/reimagine parts of the Walt Disney Company. The first big announcement came in late August with the reveal of the merge between the Walt Disney Company and Marvel Entertainment. Disney released a news release discussing the acquirement of Marvel Entertainment but did not specify about what the merge was going to mean for Disney Parks and Resorts or Disney entertainment studios. However the CEO of Marvel will stay on to help over see the transition.

As a Disney cast member I use these forms of social media to keep up on currently company news. I think it was a very smart decision for the company to began to use social media because it's making their outreach much greater and quicker access to information.
Disney Parks twitter account
Disney Parks YouTube account
I agree with Alix that Disney is smart to jump on the social media bandwagon, especially in the wake of all the big changes that have recently happened or are in the works. With mergers, especially, it is extremely important that all parties are communicating with key publics throughout the process and reaching out using vehicles that their publics are already using is a smart move. Twitter is an essential tool for business in today's climate because usership is skyrocketing. Twitter also attracts more people from the working world, and allows businesses a way to connect simply and easily, just by doing a keyword search and clicking follow.