Oh how I love to hate Sarah Palin. Everytime you think you've heard the last from she appears back in the media with some new agenda. This time it's to promote her new book Going Rouge, which tells Ms. Palin's side of the campaign trail. The book supposedly talks about how Ms. Palin was not briefed properly for interviews, how it wasn't her decision to spend reportedly over $50,000 on her campaign trail wardrobe. Other tales are about how she knows the same amount about middle eastern conflicts as an "Average American", stories about how the Palin family are "thrifty" CostCo shoppers, and her views on women's health rights. I know, I know, you all want to run out and buy her book now, but just wait! If you're lucky Ms. Palin may be coming to a city near you on a book tour!
Read the New York Times article: Sarah Palin is Coming to Town
She is towards the end of her 18 city book tour around America. And of course there is buzz about how much she spent on her massive tour bus and of course outfits. Anyway I want to know what you guys think, do you think Ms. Palins new book is going help improve her image with people don't support her? Or do you think it will only perpetuate her image of being undereducated and unqualified to be in the political arena?
Also for your Christmas shopping needs, may I suggest the Going Rouge: The Sarah Palin Going Rogue Coloring and Activity Book found here on Amazon.

Ps- this picture is of one of her supporters at her first stop in Grand Rapids, MI (my hometown) that my father took and posted with this caption...

"Isn't Grand Rapids amazing? There were more than 1500 people at the mall to see Caribou Barbie and I can personally confirm that there wasn't a single Asian, Latino, African American or any other ethnic group in the entire crowd. Not a single one. There was however, a lot of people like this one. BTW, in order to sign every book Ms Palin had to spend less than 7 seconds per person. Oh and btw2, Yes, she did indeed get off the tour bus with the baby in her arms. Ain't she grand?"