A vlog, as defined by Urban Dictionary, is a video log. It's a journalistic video documentation on the web of a person's life, thoughts, opinions, and interests. A vlog is more personal than a blog, along the viewer to be face to face with the vlogger instead of just reading text. When I worked in Disney World for a year, my roommate and I used vlogs to keep a diary of our time in Orlando and to keep in touch with those at home. For some reasons the idea of vlogs fascinate me to I decided to do some research to see if companies used vlogs as while. In an article by Gretchen Siegchrist she lists the benefits vlogs can have for companies. Among them are better customer communication, a more personalized image, and an increased presence on the web. The article also suggests using vlogs to talk about company updates, news about the industry, and instructional how to videos.
After reading this I decided to google "Business vlogs" and see what I found. I was surprised to see how many results I received. I wasn't aware that so many companies were using this type of social media. Many of the results were for tech businesses that gave online tutorials via vlogs but also talked about advances in the company. One of the more interesting results I found was this Video Blogging. This site not only lays out the benefits of vlogs for companies but actually will help them create their vlogs for a price of around $200.
I think vlogs are a great way for companies to become a more trusted brand with consumers. I think loyal customers will watch vlogs posted by their favorite companies. But what do you think? Sound off: Would you watch vlogs from companies?
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