@RyanSeacrest: Robert pattison is class act however the rep he was with yanked him off the air and off the mic when I asked him about kristen. Unreal!
Seacrest most have been immediately flooded with @replies, because minutes after he sent another tweet that he would have the video footage online in the morning as well as talk about it on his radio show. I was very eager for the video to drop the next morning, because I wanted to see if the publicist was really being out of control or if she was just doing her job. The next morning Seacrest posted the video of the interview on his website RyanSeacrest.com
After the video, I was shocked at how the publicist acted. From the moment she walked into the room you could tell she did not want Pattison to be doing the interview. She stood by the door and the whole time kept looking at the time and trying to tell Seacrest to wrap it up, even though they had only been talking for 1 minute at most. After complementing Pattison on his fame, Seacrest tried to ask him a natural question about if him and his costar Kristen Stewart were involved. Pattison began to laugh and did not seem uncomfortable until his publicist literally came over to him and yanked him from the interview (not before telling him to say thank you into the mic). Seacrest then says that it was the first time in his career that a guest has been yanked from an interview.

I understand that working the red carpet can be stressful, trying to deal with reporters, and lots of screaming fans, but this was pretty ridiculous behavior. If this is how this woman acts during an interview, I can't imagine how she handles crisis situations. It's the job of a publicist to make the celebrity look good, instead of calling attention to yourself? Just something to think about.
Wow. Thanks for posting that video. I found it incredibly entertaining. I understand that this publicist is probably dealing with a lot of stress with Twighlight taking over the world and all, but I agree with you. I do not think she should have yanked him away like that. That is why PR people have a bad rep.